Friday, June 30, 2017

WWII Propaganda

There is a fabulous exhibit at the Pacific War Museum, Fredericksburg, TX--besides being a great museum with factual happenings during the Pacific War, they host periodical exhibits pertaining to WWII.  The last exhibit I attended was clothing from 1940's, wrote about this in previous blog.

I found this exhibit to be eye opening!  Did you think that our country would
do propaganda across this country as well as foreign countries?  Well, 
they did!  This exhibit focused on the artist who participated in
designing for the WWII.  Some of the writers and artists I knew about,
but not all.  Here was Jack Campbell--

Who wrote books on Torio Kid--against Japanese citizens--
propaganda is used to influence people psychologically in order to alter social perceptions.

His comics were Terry and The Pirates
During the war, Caniff began a second strip, a special version of Terry and the Pirates without Terry but featuring the blonde bombshell, Burma. Caniff donated all of his work on this strip to the armed forces—the strip was available only in military newspapers. 

Did you ever read Terry and the Pirates in the comic section of
the newspaper?

Everyone knows Walt Disney
Disney also produced several propaganda productions, including shorts such as Der Fuehrer's Face‍—‌which won an Academy Award‍—‌and the 1943 feature film Victory Through Air Power.[92]

Mickey Mouse was the first cartoon to make Walt famous

He had other comic books that were used for propaganda--
selling bonds

being patriotic with his cartoon characters

And a musical

At first, Manning's work appeared in several forms in the paper. Although he was interested in drawing comic strips, the popularity of his editorial work led him to focus on editorial cartoons.[2] His work was syndicated in as many as 170 newspapers

His editorial cartoons were some of the best during WWII

He produced "Little Itchy Itchy"

 Polish-Jewish artist who worked primarily as a book illustrator and political artist throughout his decades-long career. 

His illustration were superb!

And the best part for me was seeing some of the propaganda
ashtrays--an excellent exhibit!! 

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Tour de France = Tour de Fleece

The Tour de France begins July 1 but to fiber spinners it means Tour de Fleece.  In fact, I always think of this time in July as time to spin!

What does this mean?

  • All spinners unite to accept the challenge to spin each day--even if it's only for 5 minutes!

  • Have fun!

  • Get that Stash spun down!

How can you participate?

  • Join a team--here is one that welcomes your involvement--accepting members till June 30th--spinfoolish
  • Join this Facebook group for encouragement
  • The Knit Girls are sponsoring a Bingo game around Tour de Fleece
  • Shepherds Talk is another interesting feature on Facebook
So get those wheels ready and the stash prepared and

SPIN, SPIN, SPIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Are You Out of Your Gourd?!


the hard-shelled fruit of any of various plants, especially those of Lagenaria siceraria (white-flowered gourd or bottle gourd) whose dried shell is used for bowls and other utensils, and Cucurbita pepo(yellow-flowered gourd) used ornamentally.
Compare gourd family.
a plant bearing such a fruit.
a dried and excavated gourd shell used as a bottle, dipper, flask, etc.
a gourd-shaped, small-necked bottle or flask.
out of /off one's gourd, Slang. out of one's mind; crazy.
You think you're out of your "gourd' when you enter the exhibit hall at the Kerrville Arts and Cultural Center--it was full of gourds of all shapes and sizes!  

This was the Southwest Gourd Fine Art Show (exhibit ended June 25) 
A Juried Show of art from the best gourd artists--

Here is a small sampling from the exhibit:  All pieces were so creative!  I'm thinking of growing gourds again!  

This was one of my favorite--!!

These two pieces were wrapped in blue jean strips

Best of Show!  

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Should Have, Could Have, Didn't!!

Several months ago, I saw this pattern in a magazine--should have ordered it
right then, but I didn't!  I thought--"I don't really need to make this one"
That pattern just wouldn't leave my pea brain though!
Could have bought the kit right then but "NO", I waited too long..........
That pattern kept itching in my brain and when I went back to
purchase the kit--it was no more!! Drats!

I searched for the panel--found it!  Should have bought it
months ago--I'm looking online to find the fabric--none
available, well, not all of it anyway--so, I was buying
in piece meal--some from here some from there.........

Should have, Could have, but didn't--stupid me!
there will be some substitutions and I really think
I've spent more time looking for fabric and more $$
than if I had bought the kit right then and there! 

Monday, June 26, 2017

I Skipped That Lesson :-(

What was I thinking?  The May lesson with Year of Therapy was to knit a mouse--ugh!  Albeit, it was a cute mouse--I didn't really want to knit a mouse.  And what would I do with it after I did knit it???
Skipping a lesson isn't a good thing--when the June pattern rolled around, it used that skipped lesson technique-- a pin hole cast on!

Now, I'm at a disadvantage!  Bummer--didn't do any good to skip that lesson just
because the outcome was a mouse--a cute mouse nonetheless!

It's back to the May lesson to learn what I skipped!  I would have been so far
advanced if only I hadn't skipped May...............

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Grandma's Kitchen SAL

 My Granny didn't live near me, so I wasn't around her much-- I can't tell you what her kitchen was like.  My paternal grandmother died when I was very young;  I have vague memories of her and of course, no kitchen--I'm looking forward to this SAL (sew along) from Pat Sloan, which begins Wednesday.

Every Wednesday there will be a block added to her website and it's free!
Don't we all love free?? 
On her website, she gives suggestions as to fabric choices--but, I'm waiting to
see the first block to choose my fabric.  This SAL will run till
I so enjoyed her Summer Solstice SAL
The blocks are still up if you are interested.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Do You Like Quilt Magazines?

Do you like quilt magazines?  Do you like FREE quilt magazines??
This is a super ezine for you to enjoy--free patterns,
good sewing suggestions and other sundry items!

Sew In Love With Fabric has the ezine that you will enjoy--lots of 
cool sewing ideas-- I like the Debby K's modern with a twist--Fractured

The other ezines are also available for download--

Friday, June 23, 2017

And The Wheel Goes Round And Round.................

At our January Spin-in conference we were given a challenge
for 2018--our theme for 2017 was "Go Green in '17"

We received these lovely natural colored fibers, packaged by
Lisa of Dicentra Designs.  Lisa produces such lovely dyed fibers too.

So here we have Blue faced Leicester, Grey Shetland top, Fawn Shetland
top and Brown Jacob--the fibers are so easy to spin as they are
nicely processed.  

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Next Quilt To Bust!

Any idea how long I've had this pattern in my "to do" box??

I always liked this pattern, which would be great for the fall.

The pattern was published in 2005!  2005!  Gee whiz--
that's a long time to keep something ready to sew!
Why didn't I do it earlier?  Haven't a clue!

I requested batik fat quarters for one of my birthday gifts
one year--maybe two years ago? or three?
anyway, my expatcher friends came through and
I got enough batik quarters to make this quilt

A nice variety--so here we go--finally, going to work on this pattern!

I've got half of the pumpkins cut out--

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Knit Awhile.........................

I'm trying to keep up with the monthly pattern updates--
not always done in a timely manner.
Here is June's pattern for Estorian scarf designed by
Elizabeth Ravenwood on Ravelry.

I like adding the beads--adds some contrast to the stripes

Wish while I was spinning, that I had taken out the brown
section of the wool roving--hindsight is always 20/20!
We knit on......................

What did you do last week?

 In the past few weeks there has been talk about reporting “what did you do last week?” This report will hold me accountable!  I should like...