Showing posts with label fiber. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fiber. Show all posts

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Virtual Fiber Happenings!

 I don't know about you, but I'm missing some of my favorite 'need' to attend festivities!  Especially the one that takes place in Taos, New Mexico every October!  I love, love, love Taos Wool market event--lots of workshops, shopping and time to meet up with friends.

Well, you know the story, Taos Wool Market has been cancelled this year--that's the in person one--  BUT, there will be a virtual happening of the Taos Wool event--just pop over to Facebook and look up Taos virtual wool market, join the group and be part of the event.

Part of me is excited to visit and I don't have to leave my comfy chair--the other part of me is wanting to make that road trip to beautiful TAOS!


Here in is another special virtual fiber fest that was always a blast to attend.  Former Kid 'N Ewe is undergoing several changes--check out the webpage to see how you can access all the happenings.

Hopefully, there will be an opportunity to buy a T-shirt too!!

Thursday, September 17, 2020

American Quilter's Stitch Along

Something about patriotic quilts that just catch one's eye!
Here is a stitch along that will be a must for the new year--begins in January 2021

If you fancy her fabric line, there is the option to purchase these.  Otherwise,
use from your stash if you have.

I found some other patriotic quilt tops that I have on my agenda list.

This pattern is available from Cupcakes and Daisies

This is a free pattern from Missouri Star Quilts

To honor all veterans, join in on this Quilt along


Monday, September 14, 2020

It's Growing........................

 I SWEAR--this stuff is growing in the closet overnight!  Just when I think I've spun up all that fiber--I find another FULL bag--does this stuff really have a factor that lets it multiply overnight?  I'm sure I'm not the only one that thinks this happens either!

This is a blend of tencel and merino--nice to spin but I'm getting bored!!

another bobbin filled--oh hum!

More finished----will it ever end??
Decided to ply--not so boring--but still the same fiber--need to find a large project to use up this...
Look!  I can see the end..................unless, I walk into that closet and find
another bag--
AT least, there was plenty of spinning time with Tour de Fleece and we can
say--FINISHED! with that fiber!

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Let's Mangle!

What is a mangle you ask??  "A mangle or wringer is a mechanical laundry aid consisting of two rollers in a sturdy frame connected by cogs and in its home version powered by a hand crank or electricity. 

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Let's Cool Off...............................With Snowflakes!

A snowflake table runner sounds perfect this time of year
and Kathy Schmitz has giving us some nice stitching techniques
to use to make a lovely piece to grace our table

Using simple stitches, adding buttons, and beads, you will create a quick
snowflake--First, you whip stitch the small circle to the medium circle--then
embroider the two before stitching them onto the large circle.
Snowflakes in nature are not regular, so if you make a small mistake, it's okay--
just eyeball the stitches and circles.
You can find Kathy on YouTube

Monday, June 15, 2009

Roving Art

This past April Taos Sunflower offered their roving art selection. This was a three month project that would send each month for three months 4 0z. of fiber that would be dyed using colors from paintings. What a great idea! A chance to add fiber to the stash and learn about artists and their work. How could anyone pass up this? Taos Sunflower was only offering this to the first 20 people who signed up. Immediately the hands typed in the web address and checked off fiber selection of blue face leicester sheep.
(The Bluefaced Leicester is of the English Longwool type and originated near Hexham in the county of Northumberland, England during the early 1900's. The breed was originally developed to use in the production of high quality crossbred ewes which were pastures in the neighboring hills of the region. They originated from individuals selected for the blue face (white hairs on black skin) and finer fleeces. They are found primarily in Northern England, Scotland and Wales. )
Upon our arrival at Colorado summer home, there were two packages waiting from Taos Sunflower: one for April and one for May. What anticipation! Get the car unpacked and get to those packages to see what lovely fiber was sent.
Let's open April first.Mother and Child (1908) by Mary Cassatt, born in Pittsburgh in 1844; attended art school before arriving in Paris in 1866. This painting was done during artist's 64th year.
What wonderful colors and so representative of the painting!
Taking several moments to relish the April Roving Art painting and fiber, it was onto the May package
Orchids #64 by Martin Johnson Heade, born in 1819 in Pennsylvania. He was a student of folk artist Edward Hicks. His earliest works were potraits but later years he began painting still life.
There are subtle colors in the painting but some artistic license was taken by the dyer to deepen the dyes so the pastels would not spin out. Lovely colors and lovely fiber!
When can this fiber be spun? Or as my dear friend in Baton Rouge says "fiber needs to age"--is it necessary for these goregous fibers to wait in the wings while 'older' rovings are spun? No indeed--it's off to sit up the spinning wheel and begin. But, what should be spun first--April or May? Soon June's Roving Art fiber will be arriving and then there will be real decisions to be made.
Happy treadling to all you spinners!!

What did you do last week?

 In the past few weeks there has been talk about reporting “what did you do last week?” This report will hold me accountable!  I should like...