Monday, July 15, 2019

One Stitch At A Time

I was so excited when January 2019 rolled around--there was going
to be Knit Along with a Japanese pattern!  I loved doing the first one
I knitted.  Every other month a pattern would be released--which was
designed by Toni Lorenz 
I have my handspun fiber ready to take to the needles--
Then the first pattern was released--didn't look too difficult
I can do this--it was a ruffle!  I wrote about my ruffle in a previous
post--I didn't set the twist in my yarn so the ruffles leaned one way!
oh bother--take the yarn to set the twist so that put me back from
Okay, yarn is set and I'm ready--got the ruffle knitted--looks great! 
Onward to knit the ruffle--then whoa!  I looked through the rest of
the pattern and thought....

There are several charts--A-B-C--gee whiz!  can I do this?!!
Tried to read the charts from the printed papers--that didn't work--
I couldn't see those small bits!  Even tried to enlarge them on the
printer--that didn't work either--

Put off knitting for a while--can we say five months--
yep--put it off till I finally found a knit companion on my tablet
that would enlarge the charts--now, I could see the symbols--
doesn't mean I could keep my mind straight about what this and
that symbol meant--
We're knitting!!
One stitch at a time!  
If you see a mistake--I'm sure there are some--just
overlook them please!

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Squirrel Here--Squirrel there!

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