Wednesday, July 3, 2019

How Do You Celebrate the Fourth?

How do you, as American, celebrate the freedom of July 4th?

Our small town has a parade in the morning--everyone camps out
the night before to have the perfect spot to watch the patriotic 
floats and bands march by.
The afternoon brings picnics and BBQs with friends and
In the evening, there is a big gathering at the local airfield
to watch fireworks burst right in front of our eyes!

This quilt isn't really a quilt yet!  Only a top--I think it needs
a couple of borders to make it complete--this was from
several red, white and blue squares I had left over from Texas flag
quilt that I made for our son--what to do with them?  I found this
pattern online--disappearing nine patch!  -although
not perfect stars, I liked the technique
and all the 5" squares were used!

This piece is hung on the first landing going up
the stairs--
Here is my ode to American flag--You can
find a similar pattern at Pat Sloan's site.
I did make a fractured flag--but--I have
no idea where that piece is--I figure someday I'll find it
when I'm not looking for it--

If you are in the mood to sew a mystery that begins
July 4th, this is your perfect opportunity

Meadow Mist Designs has the know how for an
exciting piecing adventure--I'll leave this one for you--
my quilt piecing is on hiatus--
No matter how you celebrate-

Happy Freedom!  Happy July 4th!

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