Sunday, July 9, 2017

Sapphire Stars Mystery

Oh I love a mystery!  and here is another opportunity to sew up a mystery and use my stash-- and it says STARS!  Love STARS!

Kevin The Quilter is hosting his very first mystery!!  Hurray! for Kevin!
and of course, I'm in and of course, I'm late to the party!
I can catch up quickly--one clue a month!  So, I'm not too far behind!

here is the first clue:  then head over to Kevin's website to sign up
to receive the rest of the clues!

Happy stitching!

Clue #1

Cut 48 3.5" x 3.5" squares from your brilliant royal blues (as many different as possible)

Cut 48 2"x2" squares from your light baby blues (as many different as possible)

Cut 48 2"x2" squares from your navy blues (as many different as possible)

Using a small ruler and marking tool (I used a mechanical pencil) on the wrong side of the fabric, mark a line diagonally down each light blue 2" square, AND each navy blue 2" square.

Placing right sides together, put one 2" light blue square on top corner of a 3.5" bright blue square. Sew on drawn line.

Repeat this step with navy 2" square on top of 3.5" bright blue square on opposite corner of the light blue 2" square just sewn.  Sew on drawn line.

Lightly finger press seams toward the corner ensuring the light and navy corners have been sewn correctly.  If light blue, and navy do not match the edge of the brilliant seam.

Cut 1/4" away from seam with rotary cutter or scissors.

Press 24 units with seams going toward corners, and press 24 units with seams going toward center.

Make 48 units measuring 3.5" unfinished.

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