Friday, July 14, 2017

Now, A Moment For Something Completely Different

I'm taking a pause in my travelogue to post about Christmas in July Blog --it begins Friday!  I'm saving each step so I can sew upon my return to my machine.
Just think 12 days of Christmas NOW!

And it's possible we can make this quilt--I've always fancied this
Trip Around the World--didn't like to think of all those little tiny squares!
Sarah promises a tutorial makes it relatively fast and easy - no individual piecing of tiny squares.

Here is what you need:

Fabric Requirements:

10” x WOF of 16 different fabrics - you can choose to use 16 different fabrics, or repeat certain fabrics as desired.  NOTE:  You'll need a clean 10" of yardage - you'll be cutting four 2.5" strips from each piece.  Be sure that you'll be able to get that from your cut after it's pressed and squared up!

One 2.5” square for center of quilt; fussy cut if desired.

1/2 yard for binding; scrappy binding looks great with this quilt and can help eat up some of your Christmas scraps!

3 5/8 yards for backing - can be scraps. 

This is going to be fun--happy stitching!

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