Thursday, August 4, 2016

Social Security + Ice Cream = Brenham

How can you lump a visit to social security office and ice cream in one sentence?  We did it yesterday!  The blond headed daughter has recently obtained a divorce (yes, I know--a major event in anyone's life) and she has many chores to wade through as she picks up the pieces and begins a new life.  One of those chores is to change her name--hence, the visit to social security office.  We chose this office because it was in a smaller town and conveniently located.
And true to form in a smaller town, there wasn't as much traffic through the doors.  Whew!  That didn't take long.

Our next stop!  Well, we are in the town that creates ice cream--Blue Bell in fact!  our favorite.
BB had it problems earlier this year and just now coming back on line so there are no tours allowed yet BUT there is an ice cream parlor upstairs--YUM YUM!

Oh yeah, there is also a baseball museum of note!

Oh cool--ice cream!  We all scream for ice cream!

14 flavors ready to scoop--let's dig in!

We did it justice, that's for sure!!
Let's continue our happy day--to Independence for the Antique Rose Emporium
so many wonderful roses to view and smell plus lots of other wonderful
things to ooh and ahh over

The grounds are lovely!  A perfect day to stroll along the paths.
We finished our happy day with lunch in Hempstead, where blond head
daughter visited the drivers' license dept to do more name changes and

visit to Bluebonnet Herb Farm and their Classic Events Cafe--
delicious sandwiches, soups and salads.

Okay, we are making lemonade out of lemons!  Blond headed daughter
is making the best of the situation--life goes on!!

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