Saturday, April 13, 2019

What? When? Where??

Having moved houses a few times in the past five years,
I forget things!  It's like walking through a door--
"what did I come in here for?"
I'm finding things I'd forgotten existed!
Take for example.......This
Cactus loom all warped with a few inches woven--
What?  The Sam Hill (does anyone know how
Sam Hill got involved in this--I don't!) Little aside here--

I'm asking the question--what workshop?
I'm sure it's a workshop--somewhere, somehow--
just don't remember

And look--all these yarns are with this loom!
Holy smokes--one is even marked with a label
I'm sure the label is right--marked 06/06
paprika & mochacino (I don't know what that is)
I tried a search--autocorrect wants to make it a 

Where?  I look at the bag it was in--Taos Wool Market--
That answers the question where--but when?
Couldn't figure the date out--oh well--it was sometime
in the past 15 years!  I did remember the instructor--
Rose Virgil!  

You know--maybe, the workshop was at Estes Park Wool market instead--
Does it really matter what? When? Where?
Not really--I'm thinking I just might work on this piece--
even if I don't remember what the design was originally in
my brain--
I went through several doors since then!

1 comment:

  1. Stuff happens. Time passes and more stuff happens. Digging in the archives can be disconcerting. If I have written it down in my weaving record book, I am more likely to remember the event, the warp, the reason. But still, on occasion it seems like ... Sybil had been using my loom.


Beginnings of New Year Ideas

I'm already thinking about the new year and new beginnings--2024 was a lost year as far as new quilt starts--there was not a one began. ...