Friday, April 19, 2019

Dishcloth Mayhem!

I'm loving these dishcloths--wish I could knit them all
from my handspun, but the blues, browns and whites
are going into my handwoven towels.

Oh, a little story of the way a couple of my skeins are not really
balls but wound so irregularly--

Years ago (you can tell I've not used these Sugar & Cream
products much lately)  our grandson would visit our
house with his friend--they found my sugar and cream
stash and thought--"wow, these would make great
fighting balls!"  And so, they proceed to wind the yarns
super tight so when they threw them, they wouldn't come unwound!

Clever, if you are using yarn for ammunition--but, not so
great when you find these balls all over the house!  Guess there's
nothing like soft 'bullets'! 

My friend and I sometimes get carried away with yarn 
buying--all my Sugar and Cream were bought at North
Carolina outlet when we were traveling though that area.
One of us said--"let's stop!" and that's the rest of the

I'm working on forgotten patterns--nothing fancy for

I use a smaller needle size when I knit my dishcloths--

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