Monday, April 29, 2019

Hill Country Film Fest

This past weekend we have been attending Hill Country Film Fest in Fredericksburg, Texas--This is our seventh year to view some outstanding films--some of these films are released to the public, so watch for them; although the films might not play on the big screen, sometimes, you can find them on the small screen.

Here you not only see the film, but there is Q and A with
the film maker and sometimes, the actors are in the theater 
to answer questions.  This year it was David Arquette with
Our houseguests had their photo taken with David after
the movie.
There were over 80 short films, 17 feature films from 12
different countries.  Nothing was shown twice.  you just needed
to check the program to decide what you wanted to see and
when.  sometimes it was a conflict--but decisions had to be made.

Another film, 1989, shown was "Great Balls of Fire" starring Dennis Quaid--
really interesting to hear him speak about the film and Jerry Lee Lewis!

Five years ago, this large screen was set up in the Marktplatz where we viewed some of the short films nominated--a great experience!

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