Thursday, April 25, 2019

Weaving with Natural

My loom has been warped for months now with another set of
handspun cotton dish towels.  I had finished one set last year and
thought it would be great to use up all my handspun cotton that
has been in my stash.  Besides, I could just tie on another
warp and pull through--lazy me!

There are small bits of this and that--some brown cotton
plied with white.  Some with white cotton and hand dyed
indigo cotton.

And then--you would think there would be enough yarn
for the loom--but, my brain doesn't function that way--
I thought I had enough--and I did to WARP but
not for weft--oh bother!  There are times more needs to 
be spun--here is a small ball of handspun brown and
blue dyed cotton--don't you have any idea how long
it takes to spin a bobbin of cotton?  Neither did I--
of course, I'm an optimist and yes, there was enough
in the stash for weft--NOT!  
it takes time to spin and ply what is needed... 

Here is woven areas--looks great!  Loving the feel 
and the pattern that is generated just with plain weave.

A bobbin of handspun white cotton ready to throw

Behind the loom there still seems to be miles and miles
of unwoven warp--does it multiply during the night or
when I'm away from the loom?

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