Wednesday, April 3, 2019

More Agatha..................

I'm so enjoying these Agatha Christie reads (or in my case--watching!).  These are books I've not read before and many are different.  Like March's book

A tale of angry, jealous and a murder already judged with person 
sentenced to death by hanging, which was carried out!

I decided to knit something small--like this pig dishcloth.
I used a 100% natural colored cotton yarn--
not my own handspun, but nice to knit with.
I used only 4 ply
but when I knitted the cloth
for April, I doubled and made this 
I chose to do a flower
dishcloth, designed by KrisKnits--love making these small items--easy to finish!
She has many different patterns unique to knit--she hasn't blogged for awhile
and I miss her creativity--you can find her patterns on Ravelry though.  I bought
all her sets of dishcloth patterns. Can you see the 'flowers'?

April's Agatha pick is "Mirror Cracked From Side to Side"
We follow Miss Marple as she solves this puzzling case--
which begins as a garden party--

I'm still working on the February garment for
"Death in the Clouds"

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Squirrel Here--Squirrel there!

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