Monday, April 1, 2019

April Fool's......................................!

Recently, while out at dinner, my friend said to me--"have you heard of
the new trend?"  "No" I said--"what new trend?"  She said, "I'm thinking
of making these for my ankles--ankle scarves"

"What?" I replied!  "what are ankle scarves?"

The conversation went on from there--she said she doesn't like
to wear socks and since she wears long pants and no socks, her
ankles get cold.  She saw these on internet and thought it was a good idea.
Guess, a lot of other people thought so too and thus, the
trend became a fashion item?

No, not really!

The joke might be on us!

A German satire site called Der Postillon decided to come up with the fake trend in other to get readers wound up. That, and we are sure that they wanted to go viral with this little Internet gag, too.

Their article translated to: “Long trousers are worn only by grandmothers and grandpas. But after I've had chilblains twice this year and my doctor warned me I could lose my ankles, I'll just wear those shawls for safety's sake."But because this is 2018 and a lot of people are still confused over the term “fake news,” some readers actually didn’t get this. They took out their confusion and frustration over the entire matter on Twitter and other social media platforms. Because where else would you want to vent about something like ankle scarves, right?Some people wrote comments such as, “Socks! Just wear socks and you won’t trip over your dang old ankle scarves. What is wrong with you people.”
That's not all folks--you can find these 'ankle scarves' on Etsy!  Some fell for this hook, line and sinker!!

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