Sunday, January 31, 2016

What Are You Spinning?

Through the hands of spinners, the fibers slip easily from roving
to yarn onto the bobbin as it whirls....
There are as many wheels are there are 
What are you spinning?

Saturday, January 30, 2016

On A Spinner's Back

So many wonderful items that spinners create are worn on their back.  You must turn them around to see their handiwork.  So, during the January spin-in, I went around to take photos of spinner's backs!  You never know what you'll find when they turn around.  Here are a few examples of beautiful creations:

Friday, January 29, 2016

How About Some Color in Your Yarn?

It's time for the vendors to move into The Palms of Destin conference center for our annual
January Spin-in
and they have brought a wide variety of lovely yarns for
our spinners!

The theme for the year is "Cotton Candy" and this 
vendor set her booth with these yummy looking
cotton candy cones!  What a fun way to spin!

Oh my, which one to choose?!

And sock blanks!  Love these!

More blended braids to decide about

Since many are knitters as well as spinners,
this vendor brought wonderful color coordinated scarf kits.

Silk!  Silk! Silk!

We have you covered if you are a weaver!

Just try to choose what to spin this day!

And this is a 'sale' bucket!!

okay, I'm lost in these wonders!

Blends, wool, silk, exotic and yes cotton abound!

And if you are a weaver--the vendors have you covered!
Every year, the last full weekend in January, we sponsor
our January Spin-in.  You must be registered, we do not
allow walk-ins or shoppers.  You come for one day, two days,
or the full four days.  It's fun, learning and sharing time.
No workshops or seminars--just spinners being spinners!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Just For Charity...................................

This year my Charity project is so create a version of the Fat Quarter Shop's Charity quilt, Crossroads. The supply list is now available!
This year the charity we are supporting is the March of Dimes foundation and we will be raising funds to help their efforts to fight premature births. We hope you will sew along and donate to this amazing cause through our fundraising link:
download our Fabric Requirements PDF
And if you want to make the quilt just like the above, you can order a kit
Here is the schedule…
  • January 15 Fabric Requirements
  • February 15 House Block
  • March 15 Diamond Block
  • April 15 Friendship Block
  • May 15 Family Block
  • June 15 Intersection Block
  • July 15 Chain Block
  • August 15 Finishing
  • September 15 Pieced Backing
  • We will begin auctioning our quilt around September 1st , 2016
For more information about the quilt along, please visit our blog here:

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Splendid Sampler

A super Collaboration between Pat Sloan and Jane Davidson plus 83 other designers!
Check out Splendid Sampler

  • This is a mystery that consists of 100 spectacular 6” finished quilt blocks. All different techniques from pieced, to applique, to embroidery, to English Paper Piecing (EPP) and Paper piecing.
  • The blocks are released 2 a week, with 2 holiday breaks for Christmas Day and New Year’s day
  • There is no supply list. We will be sharing fabrics used by the designers in upcoming articles so you have an idea of what we gave them to use.
  • There will be two Splendid colorways shown.
  • There will be a layout given in the future, we’ll give a supply list for the setting. 
  • We will also have giveaways, a way to share your blocks via link party quilt show, a list of tutorials, and exciting ideas for how to quilt this from a master quilter on our team!
  • The blocks are free until March 2017. 
  • The first block is Valentines day Feb 14, 2016.
  • Each Sunday and Thursday a new block is released.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Monday, January 25, 2016

Let's Read...................

Every January my friend posts the books that she'll read throughout the year.  It's always an interesting and diverse list and I'm anxious to see what she has chosen.  I follow along with her as she writes her review of each book--so, here is her list for 2016:

  1. The Four Swans: A Novel of Cornwall, 1795-1797, Winston Graham (1976)
  2. One Zentangle a Day, Beckah Krahula (2012)
  3. Art Before Breakfast: A Zillion Ways to be More Creative No Matter How Busy You Are, Danny Gregory (2015)
  4. The Private World of Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Berge, Robert Murphy and Ivan Terestchenko (2009)

And if you want to wet your appetite with more interesting and diverse books,
look no further than 40 Books to Unlock Your Creativity

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Latest Bonnie

I like that some of my quilting friends are advancing quite rapidly on
Bonnie Hunter's latest mystery--actually, it isn't a mystery anymore
as the quilt has been revealed.
I'm still chugging along on step 4 or is it 3?

I like the assembly line stitching--until you get a phone call
from a friend and you must stop to chat

All those above will or should turn out to look like this

And the box, on the left, is filled with stitched parts, that should look like the ones on the right.
Just need to spend time pressing those suckers.
oh, humm, I think I'll have another cup of coffee and think about
my Organizational Skills....................


 I love books!!  I love to read--I'm using my ears to read also!  Did you know if you have Spotify, you receive 15 hours of Audible book...