Saturday, September 26, 2015

Shetland Wool Week

Oh, to be in the Shetland Isles September 26-October 4!  You know why?  Here's why.....................Shetland Wool Week
Shetland Wool Week is a world renowned celebration of Britain’s most northerly native sheep, the Shetland textile industry and the rural farming community on these islands. Shetland wool is a world class natural fiber, with a long standing reputation for quality, strength and excellence from the fleece to the textile products. Shetland knitwear has a deserved respect gained from many generations of hard working knitters and crofters producing some of the finest lace and Fair Isle knitwear. There will be classes in knitting, spinning, weaving as well as lectures and tours!  What excitement!  And as an added bonus, you can receive this free knitting pattern from their website. Baa-Ble Hat - designed by Donna Smith.

f Britain's most northerly native sheep, the Shetland textile industry and the rural farming community on these islands.d textile industry and the rural farming community on these islands.

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