Wednesday, February 25, 2015


"No one is in charge of your happiness but you"  Life Lessons According to Regina
I read blog posts from Bonnie Hunter of Quiltville and she is in heaven with her sewing machines.  She is always writing about her search for Featherweight machines
One day it finally hit me!! I have a featherweight machine!  It was my Grandmother's and it's in the closet!  Of course, all sundry of boxes are parked on top of it, so over time I've just become used to not "Seeing" it!  If you know what I mean..............  But there is the case

and I open it up to see these goodies from my Granny. See that light blue folded paper on top?  That's the bill of sale! 

It looks in pretty good shape--haven't sewn with it yet.  I do remember that right after my Granny died, my mother gave me the machine--that has been over 30 years ago.  I really need to see if it still works.  There are plenty of places where you can get service these days.

Granny paid a total of $138 for this machine.

And she bought it in 1948--$138 was a lot of money in those days!  I'm so happy I remembered about this 'forgotten' machine!  and I'm thankful mother thought to give it to me! 

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