Friday, February 6, 2015

Downton Abbey QAL

"You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree."  Life Lessons According to Regina

Love Bug Studios is the host for this Quilt Along.  This is for fans of Downton Abbey, that wonderful Public Broadcasting Show!  Well, I just thought I would join along with this.  Oh, did I mention, it's a mystery too!
Here is the first block of Manor House!

Since I was too late to the party, I didn't buy the fabric kit so I'm using my own stash fabrics that might be close to the actual kit.  Here is how I keep track of my fabric for each step.

Okay, this is as far as I got with the block!

These are on the pressing cloth--and then I've been running the road!

  I've missed three other steps in this mystery--but, I'm keeping the big reveal until I'm finished!! 

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 I love books!!  I love to read--I'm using my ears to read also!  Did you know if you have Spotify, you receive 15 hours of Audible book...