Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Colorwork knitting--NOT!

"It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it."  Life Lessons According to Regina

Each month I promised myself I would try a new technique (to me).  Last month it was learning the "magic loop".  Needless, to say, I didn't!  So that will go into another month's column of learning.  This month I decided to try my hand at Colorworks knitting!  It was one of 12 hats in 12 weeks patterns from Meagheen Ryan Design on Ravelry.
Okay, I'll give it a try.  I have some grey alpaca and red wool to give some contrast.  I've marked each section so I can keep up with the pattern.

I just think I'm not cut out to knit Colorwork!  my inside is a mess--a tangle of red!  I tried to keep the cross over just at two stitches.  I'll finish the hat, but think I might need more practice--sometime to try in the future--

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