Saturday, February 28, 2015

QuiltCon 2015

"Always choose your life"  Life Lessons According to Regina

QuiltCon 2015: 

Although, in my book, this is a small intimate show, the quilts are anything but small--there are many with bold shapes, design elements--they speak loudly to represent the makers thoughts.
Color contrasts 

Plaids gone awry

Winners in every category--look closely at the quilting

Quilts that make your eyes wander and move in different directions

Maybe, you are a minimalist

or love applique

maybe, you like working with bias tape

or swirly lines

or straight lines

or you like playing EQ7 program to design your top
How about color?  What works?  What doesn't?

QuiltCon has a mixture of techniques to tickle your fancy

I thought this would be a great "orphan" block quilt--

And then you come to the one that just takes your breath away!  Two tops in one quilt!  Well, at least, you could have a revisable quilt!
Tomorrow--Quilting--just for my quilters!

Friday, February 27, 2015

Better Late..........................Than Never!

"Frame every so-called disaster with these words: ''In five years, will this matter?"  Life Lessons According to Regina

Austin, Texas 2015

By Now, you have probably seen a zillion photos from QuiltCon 2015 held in Austin last weekend--well, brace yourself, here are more!  I'm just a little late to the game.  I should post from the site--maybe, that should be my next determination!
anyway, here is my badge--Love what they do with the Name tags.  And many of the vendors gave out buttons and there was a swapping frenzy with buttons--I'm on the lame side with my number!

The set-up to check in or add classes was a dream--computer terminals and assistance in the main lobby--wish all conferences ran like this. 

Fabric merchants with their bright line-up of newest trends were situated around the floor

Chances to test your knowledge of Kona Solids--I didn't even try!

And personal appearances by many--like Jenny from Missouri Star.  My friend Linda was happy to meet and greet Jenny, who was willing to autograph her latest Mod Block Book for Linda. 

Oh, yeah!  Nice addition to their Block Magazine--I'm ready to subscribe!  The price is right on!

Take a look at their awards! 
Special exhibits--this one features Gee's Bends

Two of the quilts from that collection.
I'll be back tomorrow with some dandy quilts I liked.
See you then..........

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Gift for Julie!

"Burn the candles, use your nice sheets, wear your fancy lingerie.....Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special."  Life Lessons According to Regina

Remember the French Braid that we were squaring up for Expatchers?

We are finished!  This will be a gift for our dear friend, Julie, who is fighting a tough battle with cancer.  Julie, who lives in California, lived, worked, laughed. sewed with us while we were in Venezuela.  She was always one with a bright smile and a happy thought!

  The gals worked on the top with their own stash fabrics.  I'm sorry I wasn't there for most of the creating and sewing. 
Sandy did the embroidery--signing what we felt for Julie--Peace!


And most of all our hearts!
I was there to help stitch down the binding and appreciate the beauty of friendship.
For the label, Judy M penned each of the givers' names in the loops of the heart.

Lovely piece of art for our dear friend Julie...............................we want for her comfort and this  token of our prayers to surround her.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


"No one is in charge of your happiness but you"  Life Lessons According to Regina
I read blog posts from Bonnie Hunter of Quiltville and she is in heaven with her sewing machines.  She is always writing about her search for Featherweight machines
One day it finally hit me!! I have a featherweight machine!  It was my Grandmother's and it's in the closet!  Of course, all sundry of boxes are parked on top of it, so over time I've just become used to not "Seeing" it!  If you know what I mean..............  But there is the case

and I open it up to see these goodies from my Granny. See that light blue folded paper on top?  That's the bill of sale! 

It looks in pretty good shape--haven't sewn with it yet.  I do remember that right after my Granny died, my mother gave me the machine--that has been over 30 years ago.  I really need to see if it still works.  There are plenty of places where you can get service these days.

Granny paid a total of $138 for this machine.

And she bought it in 1948--$138 was a lot of money in those days!  I'm so happy I remembered about this 'forgotten' machine!  and I'm thankful mother thought to give it to me! 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Another Set from QAL

"When it comes to going after what you love in life.....don't take no for an answer"  Life Lessons According to Regina

Okay, we have been working in our spare (!) time to build these quilt blocks!  The pattern calls for squares cut 3 7/8" and then cut across diagonal.  I always hate cutting anything at 7/8", so usually go up to the full inch, sew and then trim.
For these, the HSTs will finish at 3.5" so I found my paper HSTs to sew and away we go!

6.5" square; easy to square up

Here are my flying geese--3.5"x 6.5" rectangles.  We are through steps 3, 4 & 5.  The finish is near--just need to find more SPARE time to sew!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Am I Blue??!!

"Be eccentric now...Don't wait for old age to wear purple"  Life Lessons According to Regina

Am I Blue?!  Of course, NOT!

But, I'm seeing blue when at our last spinners gathering, Penny brought her lovely basket of yarns that she had recently dyed with indigo.

Can I say--I really really love these yarns!  Especially that one in the front with the variations!

Penny even dyed her t-shirt with indigo.  Go visit Penny at Sky Loom Weavers  She can dye you a indigo blue yarn or -t-shirt if you so desire!!


 I love books!!  I love to read--I'm using my ears to read also!  Did you know if you have Spotify, you receive 15 hours of Audible book...