Friday, August 20, 2010

Treadling Softly

In the late afternoon it is great to sit, relax and softly treadle Ashford Joy wheel. It's a wheel that was pre-treadled before it came to this household. That makes it better--quite broken in by other caring feet and hands. She is a pleasure under the feet and spins wonderful yarns.
Wool from the dumpster diving fun at Brown Sheep Company back in ought O 100.
A mixture of wool, mohair and some silk.
The bobbin contains Como wool brought at Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival. After spinning for some time, the hands were tried of wool so silk roving was spun onto the bobbin. Well, needless to say silk spins forever....................................................................
Lovely gray wool from friend's sheep.
Now, to the plying. Since the Como was spun first and silk afterwards on the same bobbin, it was easy peazy to wind off and ply from inside and outside of the bobbin. Gee, that was a great thought, but just coincidental. Now, we have a wonderful sheeny yarn--to dye or not to dye?
Okay, the feet are idle for now, but itching to return to the wheel for more adventure spinning. Yes, projects are whirling around in the brain too.

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