Monday, August 23, 2010

Red and White

When you want to add some pizazz to your decor, why not add some red. Actually, orange will do the same, but just a little of orange goes a long way. Well, there isn't much red around our house. There is always some orange though--be it either fruit or a small pillow or just an accent thrown on the sofa.
Last month this 'mystery' quilt pattern appeared on Lyn Brown'sblog. It looked interesting but after starting in on the second clue, we could tell there was going to be lots of sewing to get this thing finished.
Red and white was the choice of fabrics. Of course, as the cutting began, the red fabric on hand wasn't enough to satisfy the requirements. Why go to the fabric store without taking a sample of the fabric you want to match? Oh, yes, the eye will know how to match.....oh, yeah, right! Here is what came home. Does it look like a match? Just a little off but maybe no one will notice and don't all reds go together in a quilt? At least, someone said that once upon a time.
After lots of cutting and lots of chain stitching--sure saves thread and all those long strings at each starting point.
Okay, we are on clue four and it looks as though we need to make 12 blocks.
Still stitching.........
Now, we have 12 blocks. Wonder what the setting will be and will more red be needed? If so, the next visit to the fabric store, we'll take a sample to match.

We have to wait till August 31 for that final clue--don't you hate waiting?

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