Saturday, June 6, 2009

Happenin' Saturday

Saddle Up!

It's one of those busy Saturdays! As we took our early morning walk along the green belt to our breakfast spot, a beautiful blue/green parakeet with long blue tail feathers landed right in front of us on the sidewalk--what a pleasant surprise! Whether he was wild or just an escaped caged bird--who could tell. He just paused for a short moment and then took wing to the nearest tree. Lap swimmers were already taking their exercise at the neighborhood pool before the heat of the day evaporated the coolness from the water.

Breakfast place was packed. Text appears on phone--GD's cheer team is having car wash today, which will be added to our morning agenda. Break our fast, fill coffee cups to the brim, head to the car and out to the ranch--a leisure drive of 15 minutes.

GS is showing off his horse to Louisiana family members who are in town for the GD graduation. The official greeter on the ranch grounds is EllyMae, who pokes her head into the downed car window. She is burro extraordinary and nonchalantly will walk across the gravel road in front of your slowly advancing car.


Meet Scout: four year old half American quarter horse and half Morgan. A gelding that stands at 14.2 hands high; a gentle horse, who lost the sight in his left eye three weeks after GS had purchased him. It was a freak accident that took his sight and even though they rushed him to the large animal clinic at Texas A&M, there was no way they could save the sight but the eye socket was saved. Scout and GS have bonded and GS feels very confident in teaching Scout new tricks.
Scout and Grandson show their latest and greatest trick. Scout will place all four legs on the box, but today he just wasn't in the mood!

We give high fives to all and head south for the GD's car wash venture. The line is only four cars long and there are several girls plying their car washing skills. GD isn't even wet as she is in charge of hose. We empty our billfords for donation to receive a clean car. The car feels grand.
Pulling up just a few feet and what do we spy? This crawfish sign! Whoa! Boiled crawfish, spicy and juicy--quick! anyone else have money? We find the right price and fork over $14 for 3 lbs of mudbugs!

Now, off we go and it is only noon! Back to the house to bake cookies and brownies; prepare a watermeleon basket for evening cook-out!

1 comment:

  1. And damn! Those crawfish sure were yummy! Now off to make that watermelon (yuck!) basket.



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