Saturday, January 3, 2015

Winter Blast!!

The beginning of 2015 has been an adventure!  We classify this start as Adventure #46--

It is a cold wintry blast in Central Texas!  Of course, other parts of the country are having much the same weather.  But, in Texas (!) we don't expect the roads to freeze over and lay down a sheet of ICE!  The landscape is beautiful!  The trees are coated with winter white--but, keep the ice off the roads please!  Even 18 wheeler trucks weren't moving; there were skating!

Our cars don't have ice scrapers--next best thing to use----a credit card, but I found my Safeway card!  It works on ice as well as discounts at the grocery.

And what do you do when you are 'stuck' in a hotel?  We made lots of new friends who were in the same situation as we were; we swapped stories of the road hazards; 'which way did you travel from?'; but, I must keep my hands busy!  I dug through my luggage to find this scarf, needles and yarn (lucky to find a yarn store on the road!!).  I finished up this scarf the day before Christmas for the brown headed daughter--but, it was way too short.   I undid the bind off row, picked up stitches, attached the new yarn and we're off and knitting!!  The pattern is Mistaken Rib--easy to remember and work on.
I pray that you are safe and warm! 

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