Monday, January 12, 2015

Little Penquins!!

It's coming down to the finish line!  We have only two more penguins to go before we can put this quilt top together!  Hurrah!  I'm liking these fellows a lot........................
I'm three months behind on assembling these fellows--so, to speed up the process (I think!) I copy all the pieces at one time--if I'm smart--I mark each piece with number of pattern, color, and name of piece.

Once marked, outlined I can cut them out, press on coordinating fabric
and when I have a chance, I cut each piece and place in container--ready for assembling on background.  That is IF I'm thinking straight!

This fellow turned out lookin' good!

Something is just not right with this picture..................

or this one!  I go back to the photos from Fatcat Patterns --well, I declare, I've got the arms switched!
Okay--dude, you look much better with your correct arms in place...........

and this stocking top fellow looks much happier that his arms aren't hanging down to his feet!
Off we go to do top stitching...............................

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