Friday, August 16, 2013


Have you ever thought about a design and wish you could transfer it to larger scale--maybe on wallpaper or fabric?  After seeing the summer exhibit SPUN at the Denver Art Museum (DAM) recently, my brain began to perk with ideas.  In the Jacqueline Groag area, you view her original works on paper that were transferred to textiles!  Amazing designs!

Jacqueline was born in Czechoslovakia in 1903. She studied textile design with Josef Hofmann in Vienna in the 1920's. She designed textiles in Vienna in the 30's and received a gold medal at the Paris World fair in 1937. She designed textiles for the leading fashion houses in Paris, including Chanel , Jeanne Lanvin et Paul Poiret. In 1939 she immigrated with her husband Jacques Groag, an architect, to the United Kingdom.

Jacqueline Groag 1953

Jacqueline Groag Rayon
What exciting contemporary fabrics these are! 

Fabric printing goes back years and years--there is batik printing using wax and stamps.  But, today we want faster and easier ways to take our designs to fabric. 

There are various ways we can transfer our own drawings to fabric in our own home--inkjet printing is one way and that involves a printer and some computer work. 

Here is an idea!  Try this!  Spoonflower definitely has the right idea!  Upload your design and you too can have that special fabric, wrapping paper, wallpaper, etc. with your unique design--what a novel idea!!
Off to the drawing board.....................................................

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