Tuesday, August 20, 2013

New Legacies: Contemporary Art Quilts

Exhibit now on display through August 31st at Lincoln Center, Fort Collins, Colorado is New Legacies: Contemporary Art Quilts. This juried show features various techniques to offer a range of expression to the artists' legacy. These small wall hangings use varied fabric designs with hand painting, dyeing, hand or machine embellishing, stitching, etc. This is an exciting exhibit--one not to be missed.
Jo Fitsell "Withdrawal"


While browsing through the exhibit, I met this artist, who also has another piece in Golden exhibit at Foothills Center.  This is Margaret Abramshe with her piece "Sacred Clock of Now"

She uses photo transfers on cloth to express your thoughts

Julia Pfaff presents "Contrast XIII"

Great quilting lines

This is a prize winner "Sand Dollar Spectrum"

Betty Busby created this lovely hanging

Patricia Kennedy-Zafred has two pieces juried into this show. 


This is a haunting piece!  But well executed by Patti Morris

"Rohingya Children"

Martha C Hall, "Bits and Bytes"

Interesting piece

Sandra Palmer Ciolino

"Martello #3 Sympatico"

These are just a few of the highlights of this exhibit.  all of the works are excellent in their execution and design work--go visit!  And the facility is super nice! 

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