Thursday, August 8, 2013

Geese!! I See Geese!

Yes, I'm seeing geese--not only the real bird type geese (which will be flying south soon) but the ones you sew for a quilt. How do I get myself into these situations?? I love mysteries and this was another mystery quilt so I can excuse myself this time--I just didn't know what the clues would hold. I'm a member of a yahoo group--Quilt Mysteries--and a new mystery usually comes out every summer. Clue one--Fabric requirements Clue two--cutting instructions--cut so many 2.5" strips from each of the three fabrics from requirement selections; now, cut those into 2.5"x2.5" squares and 2.5"x 4" --you will need ONLY 224 of one color and 224 of another color!! Okay, we can do that--cutting is quick and easy...........................
My three color choices are light gray, red with gold stars and gold--thinking this will be a great QOV Quilt of Valor

Next clue didn't sound daunting--sew that square to one corner of the rectangle--okay, here I sew and sew and sew and sew--all 448 of them!  Next clue--sew another square to the other side of the rectangle---oh, yes, I see--Flying Geese..........................

Stacks and stacks of flying geese.....................

I would count, then sew, in the evening trim, then day, do more--I think I'm ready for the next clue and don't let me read there are more flying geese!!!!!!!!!!

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