Thursday, October 7, 2021

Let's Gather Those Orphan Blocks!

I have found that I like working with orphan blocks!  I like finding them a 
home within a quilt.  The above one has been on my drawing board for awhile now--
and it's time to finish it up since I've found several other orphans roaming around
my stash bin.

I also found some precut squares!  why did I cut these?
Anyway, here is how I used them to make a quilt top with some
orphan squares

I added star points on each side and ta da--we have a nice block.
of course, the half square blocks were left over from another project that
had extras--and that's how the quilt goes around!

When I cut my half square triangles, I stitch a small area away so
I can cut between and another half square triangle!  Easy to do and
easy to square up if not the right size.
If you have orphan blocks--just assemble them in a fashion that
you like. 

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