Monday, October 4, 2021

Oops! Not just fabric!

 The other day I was talking about UFOS in my quilting studio--well, that's not the only place I have those neglected items lingering around!  I took a look at my knitting projects--why did I do that??

I looked up to see my knitting bag was overflowing with many UFOs too!  There they are! Several items that are half knitted, mostly knitted, hardly knitted--why do I do this?  Begin a project, then set it aside--sometimes,  I think I just lost my knitting mojo at times.  Oh, don't get me wrong--I love to knit but sometimes, I just put it aside and then something else comes along to take my attention away from the knitting project--sure, that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!  I have a 'squirrel' moment--often!!

Here is 2021 International Lace project in progress--
I've lost my place, so I'm going to begin over--so I can get back in place.

Another lovely scarf pattern begin--all handspun but only
a short time into the pattern--this one I can pick up and continue--another
2021 start

Oh joy!  another handspun yarn lingering away and this one is almost
complete!  This will be the first one I pick up and finish!

OMgoodness!  This scarf is from 2019!  How can that be?
I love this handspun yarn--this will be #2 to finish--
guess what?  Won't be long before all the knit alongs for the 
holidays will begin and I'll need to have another UFO--  okay, there will be more UFOs if I keep looking at “new” patterns—like this cowl below!
Wendy Johnson has these fabulous cowls!  I just can't resist!

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