Friday, December 31, 2021

Another Year, Another Challenge

  •   The first challenge for this new year—remembering to write 2022!!  Seems just like yesterday we were writing 2021--time does fly for sure--especially when you get older and you want time to slow down!
  • Challenge #2 finish up one knitting project from 2019--Japanese Sampler Scarf--I know!  I know! it's about time.  For some reason, I lost interest in knitting this after clue 2 and it just sat to 'age'! 
  • Challenge #3--finish at least one quilt that was begun and again 'aged'!  All the pieces are there, ready to be sewn into a quilt top!  Just need to get to it--what does it mean to get to it?!  There I go again--procrasting!  
  • Challenge #4--Write more blog enteries--well, in order to do that, I must have more opportunities and seek more insights into blog writing.  We'll see if that happens.
  • Challenge #5--Do Not begin a new project until Challenge #2 or #3 have been completed!!!!
  • Challenge #6--Be prepared for anything that gets thrown into my path--good, bad, ugly!
  • Challenge #7--Chose One word that will emphasize my daily life and use that word every day!

Is this a good motivation photo?

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Wrapping up This month!

 One of my friend's birthday is January 1--can you believe?   But, we have a way of celebrating--we close out the old year by attending the ball drop in our neighborhood plaze--and then, if it isn't too cold, we have a birthday party minute after midnight on January 1--always fun to have cake and champage in the same hour

  • It’s also time to work on my gifts for friends—since we ddidn’t meet in December, it gave me extra time to decide what to make. 
  • Since most of my friends are quilters, I decided on pincushions—who can’t use another pincushion?

I had handwoven fabric with handspun weft--no intended purpose--ah!  I have an idea!

I had scrap pieces of wool fiber--not going to spin that stuff
and I had these milkware pieces from my mother's estate--wasn't going to use themandand no family member wanted them==been in
my pantry for years and no occassion to bring them out anyway.
So--I cut into my handwoven, handspun fabric to make circle, stuffed with the leftover wool bits, sewed it up and ta da--pincushions!  Hope they like them.
Now, if only I could think of someway to use the milkware plates that came with the cups.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Boxing Day 2021! Another QAL

 My photo of the day is Leftover Cookies!

Boxing Day got its name when Queen Victoria was on the throne in the 1800s and has nothing to do with the sport of boxing.

The name comes from a time when the rich used to box up gifts to give to the poor.

Boxing Day was traditionally a day off for servants, and the day when they received a special Christmas box from their masters.

The servants would also go home on Boxing Day to give Christmas boxes to their families.

Another way to end 2021 and begin 2022– is with a mystery by Jessica Dayon!  Each week Jessica will release a scrappy block, which I'll enjoy as my scrap bin is overflowing!  Jessicain.blogspot

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Holy Moley!

 Would you look at me!!  For a couple of days, my energy level went up--couldn't be because I looked at all those blocks and thought "something must be done--soon"!  

I took all those unconnected blocks and built a quilt top--just needs some borders, little quilting and binding and someone will have a nice warm welcome to the cold weather!

The larger blocks were from three QALs and the smaller blocks were from another SAL--I have the
small connecting blocks already--don't know why I had these all made--am hoping it wasn't for a much larger quilt that I've forgotten about.

Here is another one that I took large blocks from two other SALs and combined them
liked the sashing and might add it to the borders but right now, it's resting and I'm thinking on it!

My summer quilt is complete except for the quilting--comes in January when I get back to the long arm.
Brown headed daughter has already spoken for this one--darn!  Was looking forward to using this for spring and summer--I have many more scraps, so I can make something else--hate repeating!
I feel so much better that I created something useful from all those QAL/SAL blocks--It's a great feeling to have that lifted off my shoulders.  Onto other challenges--

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Rehashing 2021###

 The year begins all gung-Ho—only started about 5 or 6 different sew alongs—tried to keep up!  All was going well and then...................pouf! By end of October, All the drive was gone!  Now I have so many unconnected blocks.  Of course, I could finish up the quilt alongs—naw—don’t think that will happen.  Besides, another year is just around the corner and several new QALs will be available.  What should I do?  Besides, I am woman! And I have the right to change my mind!

But, Which way will I change my mindset? The brain is running in twenty different ways. I know I will NOT discard all these blocks I've been working on the past few months and I want to be ready for 2022 and the new QAL's that will pop up.  I know I'll be wanting to make new UFOs and my energy will return after the holidays.  

Should I continue writing this blog?  Although, I think I’ll pause the blog, it’s about the only way I can keep up with ME!  I can look back to see what projects I did complete or have waiting in the wings.  It’s a measure of time in one way—recently I looked back on my blogs.. 2009 I found a hat pattern that I had forgotten about!!  Oh wow!  It’s been many years of writing! 

Many years ago I did a 365 projects of photos—a journal of daily life.  Beginning in 2022. I plan to embark on this project again.  Some or many of the photos will upload to the blog. A different way to write when there isn’t much to say. 

I pray that you will have a thoughtful rehashing of your 2021 and make a new start in 2022.  I have high hopes and plans to make it a good year!

Monday, December 13, 2021

Memories Path

Our tree is up and so beautiful!
I do miss the real tree and the aroma of fresh spruce; 
Couple years ago after our real tree fell over, some precious ornaments broke,  many pine needles went everywhere, I threw up my hands and said “enough”!  Promptly marched to Costco and bought that unreal tree—I really do miss the outings to the tree lot to pick out the perfect tree! Oh well......

  Everyone decorates with memories!  Now, that our kids are grown and out of the house, I don't put up those little ornaments they made in school art class but I still take them out of the box and think about the kid and how they were so proud to add it to the tree--

the santa made from a toilet paper roll
the wreath from cotton balls
popsicle stick tree
macaroni ornaments

Each in their own right a memory of their days as children!
Now, that we make our own memories as senior adults, it isn't different for us
Each precious ornament holds a special memory!
So, we cherish those times when we found that memory and added it to our lives.

Years ago when we lived in Venzeula, we would visit an artist community outside of 
Puerto La Cruz--loved those trips!  We visited this artist many times and have several of
her pieces in our collection.  When she learned we were moving back to the states, she pressed this into my hand, gave me a big hug and 
smiled.  I didn't speak much Spanish or she much English, but we knew what this gift meant to her and me!  I'll always be honored with her gift.

  I don't remember her name or the name of the art community,
but I certainly will always remember her kindness.  

She made this lovely angel with clay from their region.  Her hands
sculptured each line with love.  Each year it brings joy to our display case as I
think of her and her metal artist husband--think of them often and wonder what
as become of them in that tormented country.  and I pray!

This is another prize memory--Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus.
I bought several of these sets for family--hoping they can remember the 
meaning behind Christmas and how it should be celebrated. 

And of course, this nativity set made by my Granny back in the 1970's is
special--very special in my heart!  

What memories do you hold dear as you bring out your treasures?


Friday, December 10, 2021

Baking? Cooking? OR

 Sure, I'd rather be quilting or sewing or weaving or knitting or spinning, but there is that kitchen that keeps calling me--'come bake'! 'come cook'! "come clean the dishes!" and then there is the call "What's for dinner?"  Didn't we just eat couple of hours ago?  Well, guess what?!! It's leftovers===again!!

There is still leftover turkey in the freezer and hubby's homemade veggie soup in the refrigerator--but, we just had that last night and the night before with a turkey sandwich (just how many ways can you use leftover turkey and not go crazy?)  Maybe, next Thanksgiving we'll get a much smaller bird or just have something completely different--like tofu turkey!  Bet that will go over big!!

Anyway, since the refrigerator gets so crowded with all sorts of holiday goodness, it was time to take a peek of what's behind those bottles- more leftovers!  Here we go--

Brussels sprouts are languishing and we don't like just plain sprouts--so I made Bacon jam!  Delish on sprouts and almost everything--of course, it puts me back in the kitchen--really like this recipe

Then there are these small tomatoes that are going really soft--made tomato jam!
Yummy tomato jam!

Back to whatever I was doing before the kitchen called.....................

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Nuts To You!!

Okay!  I’ve found the perfect thing that adds to any party—hence, nuts to you!  Recently, we attended a wine tasting and this dish was a hit!  

Mixed nuts with rosemary—simple to make, easy to eat!  Here's the
3 Tbsp of unsalted butter, melted in pan; add 1 Tbsp. dried rosemary, chopped;
1/5 tsp. salt; 1/2 tsp cayenne or to taste;  stir to incorporate herb flavor--
3 cups of mixed nuts (pecans, cashews, etc.
pour onto baking sheet
bake 10 minutes stirring often--
cool! EAT

Yummy! Delicious!
For another tasty snack--
1/2 lbs. almonds
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 T papricka, cayenne, cinnamon, coffee (Yes, coffee), cocoa
1/8 cup brandy

200degrees for two hours (leave door cracked with wooden spoon)
toss immediately after taking out.
cool completely before serving!

And now for our son's favorite!

Happy ‘nuts to you’ cooking! 

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Hallmark Bingo Anyone?

We’re playing Hallmark bingo!  Since we all live in different areas of the country—this is one way the gals in the family have fun this time of year.  We played last year and enjoyed the competition so much we’re doing it again.  We tweaked the rules some from last year—only one card—start day after Thanksgiving-blackout card wins—and it must be only Hallmark Christmas movies.  You can pre record,  so I’ve got my cuppa, sitting in my favorite comfy chair, pen handy to name the movie that fits the square.  
I’m even wearing my Hallmark Christmas movie watching shirt!
You might want to sort through several cards before you choose from one of the many generator sites.  I think I made a good choice after perusing several cards before I printed it off. 
When you find something in the movie from your card, you write the name of movie in that square. I keep a clean card with a copy to write on.  So far, I have crossed off five squares—middle square is free, of course! 

Reward? You ask—Besides taunting our fellow players——$5 from each player if you are first with full card.   This season,  two of our friends inquired if they could participate—of course—be prepared to lose though—we’re pros!!
 Here is my card: 
Of course, by day three of Hallmark Christmas movie watching, I'm burnt out! 
and still, I'll keep watching with half a eye to find that interrupted kiss or ski resort that
needs to be saved!

Thursday, December 2, 2021


 Ahh, December!  What is December besides the last month of 2021 and December 1 is our granddaughter's birthday!  We begin to panic December 1 when our shopping isn't finished, meals aren’t planned, gifts aren't made--Oh, I meant to begin that last January but life got in the way and the days ticked by--swiftly!! 

 We know that Christmas is celebrated in the month of December--BUT, most likely the reason for our celebration--Jesus' birth-- didn't really happen in the month of December--

It is not believed Jesus was born on the day Christmas is globally celebrated. Instead, Christmas was chosen as a convenient celebratory day on the same day of a pagan holiday that celebrated the winter solstice, according to The History Channel.

None the less, if you believe, then it's a beautiful story for you and me, no matter what month Jesus was born.

On a secular note--there is a calendar for national day of:--today, December 2 is 

So, if you are ever bored and want to know what to do on what day--look it up on the above calendar--always something to think about on that special day!

Another thing to do daily is countdown to Christmas! Each day December 1-26 from Moda! 

Making lists is another prority for December!  List of cards to be sent out; list for foods to buy; list of gifts to buy; list of events; list of times to shuffle to the airport; list of lists!!

Sometimes, we need to take time to sit and reflect on what we are doing in our lives--is it necessary to panic--nope!  it will all get done one way or the other!  no need to place extra burdens on our weary minds or bodies--if, it doesn’t get done, so What?
okay, I"m off to begin knitting those darn socks that I should have started days ago!! 
While My ears are listening to Book of Revelation on The Bible REcap off Podbean--look for the app on your device;  if you didn't think there was stress enough, listening to Book of Revelation is another thing!!

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

thinking--Warm Feet!

 Those cold winter days are creaking up on us!  If you have a warm head and warm feet--you trap all that warm body heat in!  So. I've been looking at sock patterns and of course more hat patterns to knit--wish I knitted faster--I'd give them as gifts.  

Frosted Branches, is free pattern and really neat looking pattern--it's a must to keep my feet warm and pretty!
Straight Laced by Jenanne Hassler's pattern is just how I like to knit my socks--two at a time on
two circular needles.
Rambles by Kate Poe looks quick and easy!
and then After Party Gals with their Christmas mystery sock countdown popped up!
guess I'll be knitting a pair of socks before Christmas--let's see how that works out!

clues will alternate between 3 Instagram accounts, so be sure to follow Artesanitarium, Mary E Rose Deisgns and Knitted in Switzerland to ensure you do not miss any clues.

You know what they (who are they anyway???) say--"Warm feet = Warm Heart!"  
In the meantime, as I knit--I'll pull on a pair of store bought socks to keep my feet warm! 

Friday, November 26, 2021

Bring It On!!

 BRing it on!!  The day after Thanksgiving Friday shopping online!  Christmas music while we decorate the house inside and out!  It begins!  That special time of the year!  

Perfect songs to play as you decorate--except!  the very first song on the list is
"All I Want For Christmas" by Mariah Carey--an overworked song for the season!
I'll skip that one and move to #2
"Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays" by NSYNC

cue the music and we're off to pulling out boxes of ornaments,
baking a sheet of cookies for that warm smell throughout the house;
we need to engage all our senses--smell, taste, sight, listening and touching
all our memories

Light the fireplace for more atmosphere, even it's 100* outside--we'll turn down the AC!
It is happy times like this that we love being at home with family, celebrating the most of
joyous occasions!  

In the evening, the first of the holiday movies begin to play!  Each family member has 
a favorite--what's yours?  The son likes "Love Actually"  Go figure!  a guy liking a love story!
Rotten Tomatoes has their list of all time favorite movies--
think we'll need to watch at least two a day before we finally
end up with "Die Hard"!  

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Thanksgiving Foods!

 Holiday foods are the best!  What will you prepare for your big family meal?  What are your family favorites?

"A traditional Thanksgiving dinner consists of roast turkey, turkey stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, corn, dinner rolls, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie." 

You can find recipes for almost every Thanksgiving dish that you like--here is Lizzy T's take on recipes for turkey day!
Our grand daughter always brings a corn dish while another grand daughter brings the green bean casserole.  The brown headed daughter likes duck for her meat dish--wonder what duck sandwiches taste like?!!

Last year I made my "more better' cranberry dish!  Why more better?  Because when we were in Mexico buying tequila, a friendly store manager suggested the one in his hand as "more better"!   and I must admit--adding more better tequila to the cranberries made it super great! 

Here's the More Better Cranberry Sauce recipe:
One 12 ounce bag fresh cranberries
2large oranges juiced or you can use fresh orange juice
1/2 cup brown sugar (i used a substitute)
1/2 tsp cinnamon
 grate of nutmeg ( like to use fresh nutmeg)
chopped pecans to taste 

Rinse cranberries and add to pot, add other ingredients and cook till tender--can take awhile--
once the cranberries are cooked down, take off heat, cool and now you
add the More Better Tequila (any tequila will work)==make it a 1/4 cup, then add more better if you want that taste
I put mine in jars--place in refrigerator to cool and set.
just perfect for those dishes or we like it spread over Brie that is baked--yummy!

And let's not forget those pies!!  pumpkin, pecan, chocolate cream, etc with lots
of whip cream--!

whatever you have for your Thanksgiving dinner-
 we pray you have the most healthy, happy, peaceful day with family and friends!
and all those leftover--oh boy!!

Monday, November 22, 2021

Happenings for the Holidays!

 It's that time of the year again !  Bonnie Hunter's mystery begins the day after Thanksgiving, November 26! Introduction is up and ready to download

And then there is this!! 7th annual holiday homespun quilt along with Jan Daly offering this free project.  Begins November 28–either table runner, small wall hanging.

Here comes another sew along with Fort Worth Fabric Studio!  I still haven't finished the fall one--actually--I didn't begin it!
you can find all their past sew alongs on their web page under digital.
If you want to add an Advent Calendar to your list of things to make, check out
Great fun for the whole family!!
Another fun adventure with Lisa Capen--follow her on youtube
This mystery begins November 26--you can find her other
videos helpful.
Pam Buda loves vintage quilts and this December she is hosting her
Quilt Archaeology.  
She calls this one "Glad Tidings"  Check out her webpage for 
the free pattern.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Oh The Joy Of It All!

 Yes!  What a joy! we have in our lives!  Our great grandson is now 4 months old!  He's so fill of love and happiness!

No!  He can hold his own bottle--but mom is right there to assist if needed--he loves his
milk and can be a little 'piggie'.

Here is his four month photo--I don't know we started this trend--but I love it!  Since we aren't close enough to see him regularly--these photos are a big joy!!

And the hat I knitted for him sits perfectly on his head!  I was afraid it would be too small--but no, it fits just right!  I've got another one for him to wear at latter times when he grows more and a red one on the needles now
so quick to knit with instant gratification to boot!

Monday, November 15, 2021


 Sometimes I don't have any idea how to classify items that I like to share--today I found couple of 

Christmas ideas plus one freebie ezine that I like

The Homemakers Heart is a free monthly digital magazine that features delightful designs created by Jenny of Elfantz.  You can view past issues as well--lots of creative items are included

Here is a wool  and cotton sewical stitch along is sponsored by Lisa Bongean  gift tags are always welcome addition to our Christmas packages.

Sewing with Craft gossip has some interesting activities for the whole family.  This advent calendar is perfect for those little ones who want to know when Santa will arrive.  Check out all the other craft projects on their website.

go out there and have fun!  I'm trying to learn a new computer language--me and IT don't speak the same tongue!! 

Friday, November 12, 2021

Virtual Happenings!


Sorry! but this event has passed!  But, it's virtual so you can still jump onto the
website and participate in a few events.  If you're a member, you can view several different films--
Shetland Wool Week!  One day I'm going in person! 

Shetland Wool Week is a world renowned celebration of Britain’s most northerly native sheep, the Shetland textile industry and the rural farming community on these islands. Shetland wool is a world class natural fibre, with a long standing reputation for quality, strength and excellence from the fleece to the textile products. Shetland knitwear has a deserved respect gained from many generations of hard working knitters and crofters producing some of the finest lace and Fair Isle knitwear.

Since its conception twelve years ago, Shetland Wool Week has grown into an internationally acclaimed event. Throughout the week there are an extensive range of exhibitions, classes and events, which will cover many different subjects. These usually include; weaving, spinning, dyeing, Fair Isle and lace knitting as well as many other fascinating subject areas. Events take place from the most southern tip of the Shetland, right up to the most northerly island of Unst, famous for its beautiful lacework, with many locations in between.

Here's the free pattern for this year's hat, designed by Wilma Malcolmson

I'm sending out a special thanks go Sheila Dixon, who publishes a monthly newsletter with
hand spinning information from around the world.  I look forward to seeing what other spinners are doing in this mad world.  Hand spinning keeps us SANE!

Monday, November 8, 2021

Thanksgiving Fun!

 Have you begun to think about Thanksgiving plans?  It is definitely closer than you think--our friends have already ordered their meal from Cracker Barrel!  We are planning our family gathering with all the fixings--but, the best part is being with Family!! And this year we'll have the whole family with us on turkey day.

Here are some pre-plans that can be used now for a crafty Thanksgiving!

spark and chemistry has instructions for these de-light-ful jars to decorate your
dining table.

Love this table setting!  Easy to make and a good way to use those pie pumpkins

And while I'm thinking of decorations for the house, I'm also working on these:

Turkey Trot is from Missouri Quilt Company--you can purchase the pattern now but you can also watch the video which gives you instructions.  I have several Dresden plate sections already made and didn't know what to do with them--and then I stumbled across this pattern!!  Problem solved!

I'm liking this little garden flag!  Thermoweb has the directions--this will be our welcome
sign for turkey day!
and to decorate our buffet table from Diary of a Quilter comes table runner ideas.

Oooooh, I'm getting excited!  Planning our menu is easy--everyone brings their favorite dish!

Sloooow Stitching!

What is slow stitching?  Join in—visit Jen Daly with her #100daysofslow stitching on Instagram Or join with Jenny to stitch her monthly pat...