Saturday, March 9, 2019

WSW............................A Little Weaving, A Little Fiber Art

One of my weaver groups (Westside Weavers--WSW) met earlier this week--we just enjoy each other's company
and sharing our latest fiber adventures.  We have been weaving for years!
and believe it or not--are going back to the basics in our fiber activities.

Rosemary had her small treasure pouches to show off.
She is taking all her small bits of handwoven fabrics
and making these treasures.  in the middle you can see
her angel of love.  

Pat has been working with Sugar and Cream yarn to make
an exciting baby blanket for her first great-grandchild!
She wove it double weave to get a nice size for the
new addition to the family

Penny had  a piece of fiber art--eco-dyeing
that she purchased at January spin-in from
Lisa of Dicentra Designs--it's super perfect!

Nice size scarf or table runner--I'd love to wear this anywhere!

Our hostess, Fern, showed off her piece of eco dyeing--
different technique--one is steam (above), hers was
boiled for an hour--interesting results for both

Fern also had some pieces that she achieved at a recent
fiber workshop by Molly Koehn

These were using stencils and indigo dye

What a super great morning!  spent with fellow fiber enthusiasts-

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