Saturday, March 23, 2019

Somewhere Along The Way I Got Lost...................................

There it was--a bin with half finished Bonnie Hunter 2017 Mystery quilt--
"On Ringo Lake".  I worked on that thing so much I got bored with it after
the clues came out in November, 2017, 
and -binned--it!  And walked away!  And forgot about it....

Then the grandson popped the question to his girlfriend--
whoops, they'll need a wedding gift!
and a nice gift from me to boot!

Okay, let's go through the bins of UFO's and 
there it was!
the bin with the On Ringo Lake Mystery waiting to be
finished--guess I'll pull it out and begin work on it again.
I -think- all the parts are there--50 main blocks along with
some sundry areas that had been pieced. I had to 'refresh'
my memory about what went where.....

And  some of the rows had been joined--maybe to
half way--these are set on diagonal and oh, how
I hate working blocks diagonal!!!  Just can't keep it
in my head how to work these sets--anyway, I
had to find my place again and where to begin
and finish this sucker--wedding is coming up-- 

need to finish and get it to the quilter this summer--
gee whiz, how could I leave this for so long--
almost finished--then realized I didn't cut the corner pieces--
oh, well--this will be finished sooooooon!  I have
no choice now that I pulled it out of the bin........
I pulled it together BUT borders are still needed to make a king
size quilt--oh, the dilemn--what to add???
The top is finished!  It should be king size now
with added borders

I decided on a small coral twist border--
thought some about the outer border but
then my mind went to just simple to finish off
the complex of the quilt--
needs a good press and off to the quilter!
feeling good!!!

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