Friday, March 15, 2019

Fibers News from Around The World

For the past few months I've enjoyed the posts from
She gleams the most interesting articles and news
events from around the spinning world to present
in an informative newsletter--

The February newsletter contained such news as 
the following.........
"Lice and HIstory of Textiles"--oh my!
who would have thought of that topic!
but, quite the read!
and on the lighter side.......

Cartoons staring Yvonne, the wisest sheep I know!

Sign up to receive her newsletter to receive such things as
patterns for 

lace curtains--tips and tutorials, learning to spin,
basics of fiber, reviews of products, inspiration, gallery
of sorts of exhibits, artwear, etc.
Thank you Sheila for keeping the fiber world active!

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Squirrel Here--Squirrel there!

 Just blew up my thinking!  Let me get back to what I was thinking—I was knitting away on Elizabeth Ravenwood section of February—Estonian L...