Thursday, March 7, 2019

What Happen..........................?

What the heck happened to Spring?  One day we have temps in the 60's and the next we are pulling out our coats and sweaters again for temps in mid 20's!  I say we can always complain about the weather, but we can't do anything about it--the only thing in life we can't change-weather and death!

So, while it's still cool and inside sitting time, I'm knitting.............. and it's time
 for another Agatha Christie read (or watch) or listen.  I'm watching and listening on Acorn TV the February selection for Ravelry group--Delicious Death.  This month's book is

Here is the plot--Sixteen years after Caroline Crale is convicted for the murder of her
husband Amyas, her daughter Carla approaches Poirot (Hurrah another Poirot book!).
In the meeting,  Carla says her mother was innocent and told her so in the letter she 
received at age 21 from her mother.--

whoa is this enough for Hercule to become involved??

The Ravelry group has a list of "piggie' knitting/crocheted patterns
we can do--I'm picking a simple quickie this month:

Down Clover Laine has a free dishcloth pattern-

Elaine also created the pattern for a bib!  how cute!

This choice for March is perfect as it is the year of the PIG!

The Pig is the twelfth of all zodiac animals.  According to one myth,
the Jade Emperor said the order would be decided by the order
in which they arrived to his party.  Pig overslept so was late!
Another story says that a wolf destroyed his house and he had
to rebuild his home before he could set off--sound like a 
"three little pigs" tale to me!
Anyway, when the pig arrived,he was the last one and could
only take twelfth place.
In Chinese culture, pigs are symbol of wealth--their chubby
faces and big ears are signs of fortune as well--
this according to  this website

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Squirrel Here--Squirrel there!

 Just blew up my thinking!  Let me get back to what I was thinking—I was knitting away on Elizabeth Ravenwood section of February—Estonian L...