Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Vampires, Witches, Bats, Skeletons = Halloweeeeeeeeeen!

Here I go again--Pondering--this time about Halloween.............

Thousands of years ago in Europe, there were groups of people known as the Celtics. The Celtic people occupied areas now known as the United Kingdom, Ireland and some parts of France. These ancient pagan people were very superstitious and their lives depended on the growth of their crops and a successful harvest. A celebration known as Samhain began within this Gaelic culture to commemorate the end of the harvest or the days of light, and to acknowledge the beginning of the days of darkness (winter) and what to them was considered the New Year. This beginning of the Celtic New Year was celebrated on November 1st.

The tradition of dressing up in costume and begging for treats may go back as far as the Middle Ages when it was common during the Christmas season for beggars and the poor to go wassailing, a ritual which involved going door to door to ask for food. Another custom known as "souling" was common during the medieval days. On All Saints Day, the less fortunate would beg for food or money and in exchange, they would offer up prayers for the dead on All Soul's Day.

 for the kids:    coloring pages for Halloweeen!  

And this is only the tip of the information about Halloween!  Now, I appreciate the holiday more than ever!

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