Wednesday, November 1, 2017

A Month of Thanks and Giving

Each day in November, some of our family members participate in days of thanks.  So, here goes:
We are Day 1--

Where do we begin?  There are so many riches in our daily lives; 
and so many conflicts as well--sometimes, it's hard to find a way to
be thankful.

It helps to write down or journal your thanks--than you can look back, when
there is a bad day, to see just what you were thankful for each day.
If you want a daily reminder, download this printable note

How to Do the Challenge

1. Begin paying attention.
Was your lunch today particularly good? Did you listen to one of your favorite songs while driving in your car? Were the clouds in the sky in a beautiful pattern? You can find gratitude and thankfulness in anything — big or small.
2. Write it down.
Each day, write down one thing that you are grateful for. You can print out this daily calendar.
3. Share your progress.
Join our LIVESTRONG.COM Challenge Facebook Group for motivation and challenge updates. Finally, you can share your daily gratitude on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook using the hashtag #30DaysOfThanks.
Recording your gratitude should take you only one to five minutes per day. This is such a small amount of time to spend on something that can give you tremendous happiness and health benefits.
And I'm thankful for you visiting my blog!  Be thankful each day, even if it's small thing! 

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