Saturday, October 21, 2017


This lovely lace scarf has been knit for some time--I love knitting lace!
I just don't like to do the blocking--so any lace knitting waits for this final touch

We have these large foam puzzle pieces that snap together;
some folks use them for flooring but I use them for
blocking--snapping them together and you have an instant
board for blocking

it takes some time to pin to the board--hey, maybe, that's
another reason I had a painful wrist!  Anyway, pins are
in and lace is pulled to its size and spritzed with water

Let dry overnight and unpin--that takes time as well--
and you have a wonderful lacey scarf.
Grand daughter saw me knitting this months ago and
asked if she could have it--you bet! 
and there she is!  lovely, lacey and ready to gift!
Another knitted piece is being blocked=
almost looks like a fish :-}

Too long for the board, so I'll do small amount at a time--
this is mohair yarn done for Year of Techniques project

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