Sunday, October 1, 2017

Let Friends Make Your Day!

There isn't anything like friends!  Friends who surround you with love and caring for each
other and the community!  We are meant to be a friend and have friends.
I always rejoice when I can be with my friends--they are an extension
of my family...
There was a friend day recently!  A time when we gathered to share, hug and
reflect on our time apart.  It is definitely a sharing day! 
As friends we are reaching out to those who suffered in the recent Hurricane Harvey-- 

We brought quilts of comfort to give to those who lost so much to flood waters.
This is just a panel--on the fabric bolt it would be okay, but what a
great way to make this ordinary panel into a smashing quilt for youngster
who loves dinosaurs--it is handed off to Brenda who is bringing this
to a family in need.

Brenda revealed this lovely after it has been quilted and bound!
What an accomplishment!

Our absent friend, Camilla, sent along a colorful baby quilt, which will
be donated to Ronald MacDonald House

These quilts will be loved!

Another panel that was given patchwork attention--
what child doesn't like Thomas The Tank Engine!

Karen was stitching the binding on this football quilt that
Brenda had made--the football quilting motif was a hit

Linda's Cardinals in the window is being gifted to her neighbor!
Each of us donated fabric yardage to the West Houston Quilt Guild
that lost all of their quilts and supplies that were stored and flooded.
Friends giving to friends!
This made my day!

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