Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Getting Warped!!

It's about time!  I'm getting warped!  The loom has been sitting empty for some time now and it looks lonely--well, if you could see it for all the 'stuff' piled on top!  It's calling to me--although in a muted voice.................I pulled out all my 8/2 cotton cones; assortment of colors--we are going to set this day off right.................................................clean off the loom and begin.  But, FIRST.............
I need to wrap all the new fabrics I bought from 5 Bucks A Yard--
you see, they were having a sale!  A big sale and I could not resist--
They had to cancel a couple of quilt shows due to Harvey 
-some of their fabrics were
$3.99 a yard!  

I use comic book wrappers to encase my fabric yardage--takes only
a few minutes to wrap and store

I'm trying to get colors coordinated and lined up correctly..
let's see--those blues go up with those other blues--wait there are
more fabrics to wrap..........
what was it I was going to do?  Oh, yes, warp the loom--well,

Well, guess that's enough procrastinating--back to the task at hand and
those 8 cones of 8/2 cotton waiting to be wound on the warping board. 
you see, I hate warping the loom.....................

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