Sunday, October 29, 2017


 What is a Friend!  "a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations."

When you google "friend" you get the TV show--well, it was a show about friends, but what is a true friend?  Someone who will tell you like it is; have your back; give you moral support; love, laugh, cry with you in times of need.  Do you remember your very first "friend"?  Maybe someone from your childhood?  A life long friend?

I have -friends- and then I have FRIENDS!  You know what I mean.

In this case, my FRIENDS gather every so often to celebrate birthdays,
cheer each other on,  laugh at the bright moments, cry at the sad times,
share family crisis, and hug tightly! 

October was my birth month and I'm honored to celebrate with my FRIENDS
at our biannial luncheon.  Our gifts at all times are joyful at being together; our tangible 
gifts are fabric fat quarters of our choosing.  And the best part--the fact
that each FRIEND will bring something totally awesome to the party!
Above are my fat quarters--I chose whites or neutrals--every one is
a winner!

Another FRIENDS tangible is my Texas theme quilt--
back from quilter, Judy M--

As FRIENDS, we decided to do a fabric themed fabric exchange--
each 5" square was assembled --as this blanket is
used for comfort, I'll think of my FRIENDS who contributed
to its warmth and beauty.

with a plain backing--you can see the lines of
continued friendship as they scroll across the threads of our lives.
FRIENDS!  so glad they are in my life............

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 I love books!!  I love to read--I'm using my ears to read also!  Did you know if you have Spotify, you receive 15 hours of Audible book...