Friday, October 27, 2017

Woven Hem Study

The year long study for our weavers group is towels!  We all love towels!
Every towel woven is different--yarn, technique, sett, colors, etc.
Towels are super learning experience for beginners also
expert weavers enjoy the relaxation of throwing a shuttle for results.

At our last meeting, we were talking hems!  Yes, hems!
It is the finishing touch to the towel.  One of our newest members
brought her waffle woven towels--these are always thirsty towels,
but with this weave structure there are always problems with the hem. 

Here is the finished technique that Alex used--finish weaving
with different treadling--if 4 harness--it's 2 up, 2 down

Her towels were 7 harness--so it's 3 up 4 down--
this towel hasn't been washed so you can see the big dimples
after the hem is woven, she threads each warp end back
through the hem--time consuming but the look is neat finish.

A new product on the market is from Superior Threads--
fusible thread!  We were all enthralled!  this could be
something we could use in our hems

Most of the weavers are familiar with fusible seam tape.
This is useful with the finishing

Here is a neat hem on this block woven towel--
she used the fusible web strip to secure

Here she has done machine stitch to secure the warp and
then the fusible web before hand stitching

We had other samples of woven towels--each with a different

Our hands on demo was machine stitched hem--thanks to Karen I
who showed us how she uses her walking foot attachment to do a 
blind hem stitch--neat trick.
Laura Frye has photos to show her technique to hems.

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