Tuesday, September 5, 2017


There are always WIPs--aren't there?
Those Work IN Progress are what keeps us going!
There are some WIPs that I would like to RIP (Rest in Peace!)
I get so tired of working on them--put them out of sight
and hopefully, another day they'll find the newness again 
in my eyes!

One day last week I walked into our local quilt shop--shouldn't have
done that, but I did--and I saw some wonderful wall hangings--
I was immediately hooked!
"how do I get that pattern?"  "it's only kit form" "really", said I.

I don't usually buy kits but this one was super keen looking--
Holy Smokes--this fabric was awesome!  "Sorry, we're sold out of the Spring; but,
we do have the summer.  And soon, fall will be on the market."
Well, darn it!  "I'll take the summer one and sign up for the fall"  
I can look for the spring online, I hope!

Now,, that summer is gone there is no reason to work on either the summer
or the spring one--I'll just wait for the fall kit to arrive and hope it's soon!

It is still plenty warm in September--so I'm working on my
snowmen stitchery pieces to 'think' my brain into cool temps!

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