Sunday, September 17, 2017

Sewing For Kids

With many losing all their possessions, I feel I can do this--sew!
Sew like crazy!  I found several fabrics that were already precut--

I had these 5" squares from a previous friendship quilt
also found some half square triangles--what luck!
Later I'll add more 'orphan' blocks around the outside

These western theme fabrics were fun to use in a previous
top, but for kids, I know they'll enjoy all the cows and other
items to be found

This was also 'orphan' blocks--but once I took this photo
I noticed that I need to take off the bottom hour glass
and sew it to the top

I'll add larger borders to make this a nice size quilt for
an older child

This was more of the orphan 5" squares that I
sew into 9 patch and then did a disappearing nine
patch top--but I cut each nine patch into fourths

and reassembled into blocks--again, I'll add
a border.
I had plenty of the construction truck fabric
I like using bright yellow and blue colors to perk up the top
at first thought, I'd just add two borders, but
after taking photo, I didn't like the look

I added the other two borders and will make the
binding in blue

When you have lots of kid prints, what do you do?
Cut them into 5" squares and make this top--
ran out of the one fabric on the last row so
placed a yellow--don't like it!!  Will search
the stash to see if there is another fabric that
will blend in

Such fun fabrics!

I'm sewing, sewing, sewing--
now, to quilt.

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