Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Knitting Mojo Is Back...................

I got up this morning and said to myself, "Self, you're going to knit today! 
Get out your needles, pattern, thread and begin!"  Besides, it will be a distraction
from your poor Bernina in sewing machine hospital.
Self--did just that!  Good thing I listened to myself and I'm enjoying
the knit on this pattern--And I'm using stash yarn--hurrah for me!
I also downloaded that great free pattern from Shetland Wool Week.
I know exactly what yarn I'm going to use.

I started to knit on my Estonian year long project--alas, I
ran out of my handspun so it was necessary to pull out the
wheel and spin up the remainder of the batt--well, that
took a day--just hope, this will finish up the year and the scarf

I was behind with August--finished!!

And we move onto September!  I love, love knitting this!
Peaceful knitting, until................I come up with one less or 
more stitches--------arg!  It's the nature of the beast!

Happy treadling and stitching!

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