Sunday, September 3, 2017

Closing Out Summer.................................

How will you spend your Labor Day holiday?  To me, this is the close out to summer--the beginning of cooler (we hope) temperatures, school back in session, the last hoorah to summer, --and --FOOTBALL!  
This weekend is a chance for families to spend a lazy time together-
-we have the grandkids with us--here in Hill Country.  Our grandkids (!!) are adults so they want to attend a grape stomp--it's harvest time around these parts and there is an abundance of wineries hosting grape stomps--so, we'll stomp those grapes-- 
purple feet here we come!

We'll grill some burgers! 
have some delish fruit drinks in the shade of the patio
my drinks NEVER look like this!!

and watch some football!  

Hope you have a special summer closing celebration!

Labor Day is called the "unofficial end of summer"[9] because it marks the end of the cultural summer season. Many take their two-week vacations during the two weeks ending Labor Day weekend. Many fall activities, such as school and sports begin about this time.
In the United States, many school districts resume classes around the Labor Day holiday weekend (see First day of school). Most begin the week before, making Labor Day weekend the first three-day weekend of the school calendar, while others return the Tuesday following Labor Day, allowing families one final getaway before the school year begins. Many districts across the Midwest are opting to begin school after Labor Day.[10]

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