Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Hi Ho! It's Off To The Quilters We Go....................................................

Well, it's about time!
These tops have been sitting around
aging too long!
I contacted two of my Colorado quilters
to see if they were interested.....
and the answer was resounding
So, this week we are off to meet up with
the quilters who will turn these
tops into quilts!
This was a monthly ROM (Row of the month) project.
Really enjoyed doing this one--each row was easy to complete

A finished orphan block top that I finished up last summer!
this was so much fun!

Now, why did I do this top??  These penguins were just too darn
cute, I couldn't resist!  I'm sure someone will want it.

This was the BIG project from Bonnie Hunter gathering last summer--see,
I said these were well aged tops!  It's a huge top--106"x106"!  Should have cut it down

This is 2015 top--not so aged!  It was Ebony Love's pattern for
Downton Abbey series.  I didn't buy the fabrics; instead used all stash fabrics
and I think it turned out pretty good.
Ok, Hi Ho--off to the quilters I go!

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