Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Other Stitching Techniques

"If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back"  Life Lessons According to Regina

When we gather as Weavers, we don't always talk JUST about weaving.............
Because, all fiber techniques have interlacement of yarn in some way or other.
Susan is working on these Noro Yarn blocks

She is using this pattern

Susan has this lamp shade to repair and here is her thoughts--knitted lace panels for each section or one large lace piece that will fit around the shade--absolutely genius!

She had knitted this scarf and it wasn't totally symmetrical so she was trying to figure out why--even though she had weighed her yarns.  My thought--colored yarns weigh more due to the dyes--do you agree?  

And now, we look at Penny's cowl she is knitting in linen stitch--how neat is this color combination!  A solid gold with variegated--soon we'll see the finished project.
Oh yes, we don't always have some weaving to discuss but our hands and minds are busy with other interlacement tecniques.

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