Sunday, November 29, 2009

It is Beginning to Look Like Christmas!

Thanksgiving has come and gone--Whew! that was a great day spent with family. Now, the stores are filled with shoppers and the spirit of Christmas is moving within us. Although, the weather is humid and the sky is filled with clouds and threatening rain, we go tree shopping. We like a real tree! There is nothing like the smell of fresh greenery in the house!

This one looks perfect for our space! Of course, before we can place the tree it is necessary to move furniture--chairs from master bedroom to upstairs studio, chairs from living room to master bedroom--okay, now we are set.
Shopping trip to Brookwood Community is the perfect opportunity to purchase lovely holiday flowers. Whether it is traditional red poinsettias or the unusual colors; maybe, you prefer Christmas cactus, the greenhouse is filled with these blooming flowers.

If you are a quilter, don't forget to check out Quiltville for the first step in the Carolina Mystery quilt.

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