Saturday, August 16, 2014

LOOK DOWN! August Break #16

Look Down? How often do we look down? When I'm walking I'll look down to make sure I don't trip over an obstacle. When this topic came up on the August Break schedule, I had to ponder............................should I look down often? Occasionally? Never?
Then it hit me!  There are times when we must "look down"--how about the sidewalk art?  You must admire these masterpieces as you look down!

And yes, we "look down" an aisle as we roam an overstuffed store

And do we "look down" our noses at certain people?

There are the times we "look down" from light to dark

I love "looking down" rolled up hand-woven rugs.  The view can be awesome!

When I'm working away on my projects, I must 'look down' to see the results.

When atop a mighty tall building, we "look down" on the bright lights of the city.  I guess there are reasons to "look down" often.  Hope your day is filled with opportunities to "LOOK DOWN" and see what is in your world. 

Friday, August 15, 2014

BLUE--August Break--Day 15

Need I say more?................................................................................But, I will.....................................
blue is the color most commonly associated with harmony, faithfulness, confidence, distance, infinity, the imagination, cold, and sometimes with sadness.
Blue is the color of the deep sea and the clear sky. 
Pure blue, also known as high blue, is not mixed with any other colors
There is Navy Blue, Azure Blue, ultramarine, indigo blue, cobalt, cyan, teal, Egyptian blue, Prussian blue, cerulean blue,  
Are you Blue Now?                                                               

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Hands--August Break--Day 14

right handprintleft handprint

                                                                      How much do you use your hands each day?
                                                                     Ever stop to look at your hands?
                                                                     I had a supervisor once upon a time that used her hands to talk--don't we all?--anyway, once she had made her point, she would stop, and stare at her hands!  We all thought it was such an odd thing to do!  Maybe, the more I think about it--that's not so odd after all.

Just think of the things you do with your hands every day--thumbs up we thumbs up!

We point  pointing finger       we wash washing hands   we touch   hand hands language family love  hand-touch300.gif clip art people hands

we communicate    sing language hand hands alph a asl  alph_asl_a.gif clip art signs-symbols sign language       we are creative  writing music  

Ours hands say a lot about who we are.................................
young and polished

aged and weathered

oh, my goodness, is that my mother's hand I see before me?!! 
Even though wrinkled and arthritic, my hands can accomplish many tasks of the day. 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Guilty Pleasure--August Break--Day 13

Do you have any Guilty Pleasures?   Here is a list of MY guilty pleasures............................
First guilty pleasure:  taking time to watch the sunset

Second guilty pleasure:  eating delicious fattening foods

Third guilty pleasure:  stopping to smell the roses

Fourth guilty pleasure:  spending time with my bestest friend

Fifth guilty pleasure:  daydreaming
Why should any of these be guilty pleasures?  Taking time out of our busy day shouldn't be guilty pleasures; these should be MUST pleasures each and every day! 
Hope your guilty pleasures turn into the best part of your day!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

On The Table--August Break--Day 12

Okay--let's put all our cards on the table! Have you ever said that? What does it mean, anyway?
Honestly--I don't think I've ever said that phrase to anyone--But, I'm going to lay all my cards on the table for this you can see the neat and not so neat tables that I use every day.  First table I see out my slider to the deck-- 
And the table is fairly clean and features summer potted plant.  Soon, we'll be changing to fall colors, but for the time being--we'll enjoy this table view.

In our downstairs room, we have a really neat table--only because it is rarely used! 

The table and features some items from our younger days--okay, I'm dating myself when I say mid-century!  I don't know if I like that term, but guess I'm stuck with it!

Now, we are getting to the gritty part of the house--the studio--which is always messy!  and who can work with a clean table?  Not me--my table always has needed items close by.

Another table in the studio--stacked with projects to work on.  And please--please, don't move anything because I know exactly where everything is!  Now, where did I put that 6" ruler? 

Monday, August 11, 2014

August Break-Day 11 HandWriting

  BY HAND--do YOU?  Or is your writing being done by your computer--just as I am doing now.  Our days

 of learning is long gone.  My dad when he was in school (70 years ago!)  had a class on penmanship (do we even know what that is today?) and oh, yes he had the most masterful signature!  It contained lots of circles and curls and you knew it was him that signed that report card--no forgery there!

Do you struggle with your P's and Q's?  Are your sentences incomplete?  Or do you write text?  LOL, BFF, ADIP, B/C, B/W--and the list goes on for pages! 

OK--yes, we are not alone!  The world has become words of meaningless letters (unless you know or have a reference guide!)  Look at corporations (CBS, NBC, ABC) and organizations (AARP).

Even I don't hand write my letters anymore--when I do hand write--my penmanship looks awful!  So, today I promise to HAND WRITE at least one note! 

Sunday, August 10, 2014

August Break-Day 10 DRINK?

DRINK! DRANK! DRUNK! What is your favorite beverage? You can guess by the photos that mine is wine!
Wine is the nectar of the gods--as it has been stated!  Maybe, I like it because of the glassware--

maybe, I like it because you can enjoy it on a warm afternoon as you soak up the envirnoment--

Maybe, I like it because of the variety--

But, most of all, I like it because it is shared with someone you love! 


 X Y Z   The slang phrase XYZ, meaning “examine your zipper,”  has been used since at least the 1960's  These letters are used for const...