Sunday, April 10, 2022

Stuck !

Word of the day:  Wend--to direct one's course or to proceed on

I love Books!  No doubt that I've read hundreds of books in my lifetime--some good, some remarkable, some disappointing--lots of words on a page have penetrated my eyes. you realize that the alphabet contains only 26 letters but look at all the words that are written on a page—words from only 26 letters!  Amazing!

Lately though...........

I've been reading books about WWII--don't have the foggiest idea how I got on that subject but it just seemed to snowball.  Maybe, it has to do with the events of this year with Russia and Ukraine War.

It began with reading "Book of Lost Names" by Kristin Harmel--I'd not read any of her books before, so thought this would be interesting--a book of lost names can get you involved immediately--questions were asked--what names, how were they lost, why were they lost?  Soon, you learn that the names belong to people who suffered harsh journeys through the war.

If that wasn't enough about WWII, I move onto "All The LIght We Can Not See" by Anthony Dorr--starts out great--girl and her father live in a museum world; then she slowly loses her eyesight--you would think that would be depressing--no, she learned to cope with this disability with her father's help; among war teaming around her.

I put that book down often to lighten my thoughts some--so, what did I pick up next "Betrayal of Anne Frank" by Rosemary Sullivan--thinking this is a documentary, that has to be interesting.  Gee whiz--how could a family with four other friends live in small cramped space to survive 28 months, only to be found within the last few months of the war?  Who betrayed the family and why?  And they lived in Amsterdam, not Germany!

NOw, it’s  time for something completely different--"The Last Thing He Said To Me"!  Not about WWII--thank goodness! a modern day intriguing tale, edge of your seat, can't put down the book tell.

I have several others waiting in the wings--but, first, I must finish "All THe Light You Can Not See" before the movie is released.  There is a movie in the works for "The Last Thing" too.

I'm wending my way to the bookshelf to find something really light and laughable!

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